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Start Your IoT Journey Right

Discover how we can help you build your connected future

Start Building Your IoT Product

We can help you find the best way to get started for your needs

Bring Your IoT Device Online with Ease

Get your first device up and running in minutes with our easy-to-use, open source hardware development kits or use our field ready, industrial grade hardware modules for deployments of scale.

Particle's suite of IoT hardware

Scale From Prototype to Production with Ease

Deploy thousands of devices with relative ease with Particle’s fully managed edge-to-cloud platform, as you get access to a team of world class engineers supporting and maintaining the Particle infrastructure.

how Particle gets you to market

Build your IoT product from concept to market with professionals

Build with a team of experts dedicated to getting your product from vision to the field. Our Particle Studios team is great for projects where you need help with manufacturing and development and software help

Particle Studios engineers working on a bench

Particle Studios is Trusted Across Industries

Our team + Your team = Success

  • A picture of Larry Ovalle, Director of Marketing, Strategic Growth, at Jacuzzi

    Larry Ovalle

    Sr. Director of Product at Jacuzzi

    "Particle’s x-factor was their team’s ability to quickly understand our business and be active participants in our development process."

  • A picture of Tom Bull

    Tom Bull

    Business Manager at Dynamis

    "Particle helped us along every step of the IoT development process and we wouldn’t haven’t gotten our product to market without them."

  • A picture of Scott Annan, CEO of Mycube

    Scott Annan

    Chief Executive Officer at Mycube

    "The Particle Studios team was perfect for our business. With them by our side, we launched our IoT product in less than 6 months."

Getting started is easy

With easy-to-use tools and best-in-class team of IoT experts, getting your connected products and solutions to market has never been easier.