The problem
It seems to be an unwritten rule of life that everything breaks at the worst possible time. Traditional maintenance schedules rely on set timelines or usage benchmarks, likeservicing ship engines after a certain number of hours or cars after a set mileage. While simple, this approach can be costly and inefficient. It often leads to over-maintenance—replacing parts that are still in good condition—and sometimes, critical issues go unnoticed between scheduled checks, leading to sudden breakdowns. These unexpected failures disrupt operations, escalate repair costs, and add unnecessary downtime. What if instead, we could monitor equipment continuously and act only when something unusual happens?
The solution
Imagine if your equipment could tell you when something is wrong before it actually breaks down—saving time, reducing costs, and preventing unnecessary part replacements. That’s the power of predictive maintenance, and this tutorial shows you how to harness it with real-time anomaly detection using the Particle Photon 2 and Edge Impulse.
In this hands-on guide, you’ll learn how to build an anomaly detection system that monitors the health of a conveyor belt using the Photon 2, accelerometer sensors, and machine learning models created with Edge Impulse. You’ll also set up real-time notifications and integrate your system into IoT dashboards to visualize and act on the data.
What is Anomaly Detection?
As the term suggests, Anomaly Detection (AD) is about detecting abnormal behavior in different scenarios, like fraud detection, quality control, early detection of failure etc. In addition to machine learning (ML), there are scores of different “traditional” AD methods: statistical methods, rule-based systems, time series analysis, pattern recognition, etc.
This tutorial
This tutorial will show how you can perform anomaly detection of vibration in a moving conveyor belt with the Photon 2 and Edge Impulse. In addition, it demonstrates how you can build Particle integrations to notification services, and to an external IoT platform for graphical dashboards.
How does it work?
Check out the video below to see the solution in action! In the first half, you’ll notice the conveyor belt running smoothly, staying within normal vibration limits as it transports Particle products. But things take a turn in the second half—when a non-Particle product is loaded, the belt starts vibrating abnormally, and a red status indicator flashes, signaling trouble. You can even hear the belt struggling in another clip we’ve posted on YouTube.
- The real reason for the anomaly was not the non-Particle product, but that I simulated a faulty gearbox by quickly changing the conveyor belt speed back and forth
Table of Contents
As this tutorial covers quite a lot of ground, the below table of contents should make it easier to grasp:
1. Hardware
1.1 Bill of Materials
- Photon 2, or any other Particle device with SPI
- Accelerometer ADXL362 (GY362), also part of the Particle Edge ML Kit
- Solderless breadboard
- Jumper wires
- USB micro-B cable
- Conveyor belt, or any other machinery you want to monitor, e.g. power drill, leaf blower, mower, fridge, vehicle, robot vacuum cleaner, etc.
- You can also implement a fall detection system, similarly as did earlier with Edge Impulse’s anomaly detection.
1.2 Assembly
Connect the Photon 2 and accelerometer like this:
Accelerometer | Color | Photon 2 | Details |
INT1 | Any | Any available GPIO if using interrupt 1 (optional) | |
INT2 | Any | Any available GPIO if using interrupt 2 (optional) | |
CS | Yellow | Any | SPI Chip Select. Use any available GPIO (required) |
SDO | Green | MISO | SPI MISO (required) |
SDI | Blue | MOSI | SPI MOSI (required) |
SCL | Orange | SCK | SPI SDK (required). Not I2C SCL (D1)! |
GND | Black | GND | Ground |
VIN | Red | V3 | 3.3V power |
You can of course use wires of any color, as long as you wire them correctly!
Double check all connections, go grab a coffee, and check again before plugging in the USB-cable! The only smoke you want to see is from your coffee… A tip, the text on both the accelerometer and Photon 2 is quite small, why not take a close-up photo with your mobile and use that as reference.
Accelerometer wiring:
Photon 2 wiring:
1.3 Activate the Photon 2
Important! You must register your P2 on your Particle account before continuing
Plug your P2 into your computer. Head to and follow the instructions to register it.
1.4 Optional: 3D-print a case
This step is optional, but if you are going to attach the accelerometer to any equipment, you need to protect the electronic somehow. If you want to 3D-print a case and a lid, feel free to use the below STL-files:
I printed with white TPU, and a print quality of 100 micron (0.1 mm). To attach the case to the conveyor belt, I used double-sided tape.
2. Build a machine learning model in Edge Impulse
This step consists of collecting vibration data from a device you want to monitor, build a machine learning (ML) model, and finally deploying it to the edge device of your choice, in this case Particle Photon 2.
2.1 Get up and running
This tutorial is covering the basics of how to get machine learning running with Photon 2. If Edge Impulse is new to you, I suggest you start with following the tutorial steps, and to replicate this particular project, follow these steps. If you are eagerly waiting for your Particle Photon 2 or accelerometer to arrive at your door, feel free to use your mobile phone in the meantime!
Note: The above mentioned tutorial is also using a microphone, and the accelerometer is plugged into the breadboard, but otherwise the concept is the same.
2.2 Notes for this project
For this conveyor belt project, I collected data for various normal conditions:
Belt moving | Speed (mm/s) | Load |
idle | – | – |
slow | 10 | with and without |
medium | 20 | with and without |
fast | 30 | with and without |
In above cases, I collected data both when the belt was under load, and when it wasn’t. As I was only interested in anomaly detection, and not classification, I did not classify the different speeds, that’s why the only class I used is normal
As collecting data with Particle products and Edge Impulse is very easy, I suggest you collect at least a few minutes of data already from the beginning! This way the first proof of concept will be closer to the final model.
When creating the impulse, I used a window size of 1000 ms and stride of 200 ms. These settings, as well as many others, might vary case by case. While my project was successful, there’s still room for hardware or software improvements, as I sometimes got a false positive when the model detected an anomaly where I thought it shouldn’t have.
2.3 Deploy a Particle library
When deploying a ML model to a Particle device, you have two choices:
- As a general C/C++ library: A portable C++ library with no external dependencies, which can be compiled with any modern C++ compiler.
- As a Particle library: Generates a Particle library that can be imported into a Device OS app to run on Particle development boards, SoMs, and gateways.
Unless you are a seasoned C/C++-programmer, you should choose the Particle library option.
3. Compile the Particle firmware with Particle Workbench and Docker
3.1 Install the Particle Workbench
Install the Particle Workbench by following these instructions. I recommend simply installing the VS Code extension.(
3.2 Import and compile the application
Follow these steps. Especially on a Windows-computer, you might get an error message Argument list too long
. In that case you should install and use Docker as shown later.
3.3 Install and compile using Docker
- Follow these steps.
- As an example, after above steps were completed, this is the command I used in the terminal window:
docker run --name=edge-compile4 -v C:\Users\...\Dropbox\Github\Particle\particle_anomaly_det:/input -v C:\Users\...\Dropbox\Github\Particle\particle_anomaly_det:/output -e PLATFORM_ID=32 particle/buildpack-particle-firmware:5.9.0-p2
- As an example, after above steps were completed, this is the command I used in the terminal window:
- Flash the built firmware with this command in the terminal window (shortcut key Ctrl+J):
particle flash --local firmware.bin
3.4 Test the compiled application
To verify the concept built so far works, you should test it by typing this in the terminal window: particle serial monitor --follow
. This should show the output of your ML model as running on the Photon 2.
4. Set up integrations to Pushover and Losant in the Particle console
This chapter covers how you can take the concept a bit further and get notified of anomalies through an external service, like e.g. Pushover. It also builds up the foundation for integration to the Losant IoT platform. You can select to implement just one of them, or both. In addition, you’ll learn how to update the program running on your Photon so it publishes detected anomalies as well as the current vibration status.
4.1 Pushover
4.1.1 Set up Pushover
- Create an account at Pushover (or similar service, e.g. Twilio)
- Create an application in Pushover
- Take a note of the User Key and API token
- Also install the Pushover app on your mobile device to be able to receive notifications
User key field in Pushover:
API Token/key in Pushover:
4.1.2 Set up a Particle Webhook to Pushover
- In the Particle console, Go to
- Add a new integration
- Scroll down and select
Custom Webhook
- Select ´Custom template`
- Paste in the code below
- Replace the
in the code with the ones from your chosen service event
– in this case “Anomaly score: “ – should be same event as you are publishing from your code- Test the integration, if everything is set up correctly, you should get a notification on your mobile device
- If you use Pushover, the notification on your mobile is received through the Pushover service, not as a SMS.
Code to insert into the Custom template:
"name": "Anomaly score: ",
"event": "Anomaly score: ",
"responseTopic": "{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}/hook-response/{{PARTICLE_EVENT_NAME}}",
"disabled": true,
"template": "webhook",
"url": "",
"requestType": "POST",
"noDefaults": true,
"rejectUnauthorized": true,
"unchunked": false,
"dataUrlResponseEvent": false,
"form": {
"token": "API-key to selected service",
"user": "User key to selected service",
"title": "Anomaly score: ",
"message": "{{{PARTICLE_EVENT_VALUE}}}"
Screenshot of the same:
4.2 Losant
This was the first time I used Losant, so it took me some time to understand how things connect. As guidance I used this slighly outdated tutorial from Losant.
4.2.1 Set up Losant
- Create an account at Losant
- Add a user API token, and store it in a secure place as you can’t check it later. If you’ve misplaced it, you need to create a new one!
- Create an application, in my case I named it Conveyor status.
- Inside the recently created application, create a webhook
- Copy the URL as you’ll need it soon
4.2.2 Set up a Particle Webhook to Losant
Creating a webhook is done similarly as for the Pushover service, the only differences are:
- Paste in the code below
- Replace the
with the one you copied from the Losant webhook - Replace the
with the API token you created in Losant (You did store it, didn’t you?)
Code to insert into the Custom template:
"name": "Conveyor belt anomalies",
"event": "losant_ad_score",
"responseTopic": "{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}/hook-response/{{PARTICLE_EVENT_NAME}}",
"disabled": false,
"template": "losant",
"url": "",
"requestType": "POST",
"noDefaults": false,
"rejectUnauthorized": true,
"unchunked": false,
"dataUrlResponseEvent": false,
"json": true,
"query": {
"api_key": "Insert your very long Losant API-key here",
"data": "{{{PARTICLE_EVENT_VALUE}}}"
Screenshot of the same:
4.3 Publish anomalies detected through the Photon program
The current program running on your Photon 2 is “just” running inference and showing the results in the terminal window. To be able to get notified through Pushover, and to see the current status in Losant, you also need to publish anomalies from the Photon program.
- Copy the program I created from here
- Change the line
#include <PhotAD2_inferencing.h>
to include the header file from the program you compiled earlier
/* Include ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "Particle.h"
#include "ADXL362DMA.h"
// This must come after Particle.h
#include <PhotAD2_inferencing.h>
- Around line 184 you’ll find the code for anomaly reporting, see the code snippet further below
- This line is publishing anomalies to Pushover:
Particle.publish("Anomaly score: ", String(result.anomaly), PRIVATE);
- This line is publishing anomalies to Losant:
Particle.publish("losant_ad_score:", String(result.anomaly), PRIVATE);
- As you can see, immediate publishing is done when the anomaly score is greater than 2.5. This threshold value depends on your equipment, on the ML model you built, on the data gathered, and on what vibration you consider to be abnormal. In my case, I did not have a controlled environment (doors slamming, cat on the desk(!), etc.), so I got a few false positives.
- The user LED on your Photon 2 is also lit up when the anomaly score is over the threshold, see this line
digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
- In addition, I wanted to monitor the vibration readings in Losant on a regular basis, basically every 10 seconds publishing the current anomaly score. This is accomplished in this section
if ( currentTime - lastPublishTime >= publishInterval) {
- Compile and flash the firmware as previously
- If everything is set up correctly, your mobile should get notifications through Pushover when you are slightly moving the accelerometer!
// Print anomaly result (if it exists)
ei_printf("Anomaly prediction: %.3f\r\n", result.anomaly);
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
if ( currentTime - lastPublishTime >= publishInterval) {
Particle.publish("losant_ad_score:", String(result.anomaly), PRIVATE);
lastPublishTime = currentTime;
if (result.anomaly > 2.5) {
Particle.publish("Anomaly score: ", String(result.anomaly), PRIVATE);
Particle.publish("losant_ad_score:", String(result.anomaly), PRIVATE);
digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
else {
digitalWrite(D7, LOW);
5. Create a dashboard in Losant
In this final step you’ll learn the basics of how to create a workflow and a dashboard in Losant. This might, at first glance seem a bit overwhelming, but once you get the first integration up and running from beginning to end, you’ll find it fairly straightforward.
5.1 Create a device
To be able to use data from different devices, you need to create them in Losant.
- Add a new device (standalone), add
as key, and paste the device id of your Photon 2 from the Particle console to the value field.
- Go to the Attributes tab, click on the green Add button, and add a value attribute like this:
5.2 Create a workflow
This picture shows an overview of the steps you’ll need to take to create a workflow, detailed steps follow below.
- Select the earlier created application, and create a new workflow
- Add a webhook
- Select the webhook you created in the previous chapter
- Add a function
- Add the following Javascript code to the function window. This is not strictly necessary, but the code demonstrates how you can split up text and values separated by the colon sign.
- Add Device: Get
- Configure the node like this
- Add Device: State
- Select the device you created earlier and insert
{{ data.value }}
into the value field
- Finally, add a debug node. This comes in very handy when you want to troubleshoot the integration
- Save the workflow
5.3 Test the workflow
You can test the workflow – even without the hardware connected – from the Particle console.
- Open up your Particle console
- Select the Losant integration, click on the
button, and type in a value which represents the anomaly score, e.g. 9.9
- In the Losant workflow, click on the Debug icon as in the picture below. Here the same 9.9 turned up, showing that the integration works!
5.4 Add a dashboard
Finally it’s time to create a dashboard! Do note that as this tutorial is more about Particle, Edge Impulse, and integrations to Pushover and Losant, it won’t go into depth about Losant’s features. You’ll find lots of documentation on their website.
Having said (written?) that, this is the dashboard you’ll learn how to create:
- Start by creating a dashboard in Losant
5.4.1 Create a time-series graph
- Click on Add block, and select the Time Series Graph
- Name the graph with something meaningful (hint: “Test” is not meaningful)
- Select Historical
- Select the device you’ve earlier created, as well as the attribute
- Feel free to play around with the other settings
- Save the block
- Test the workflow as demonstrated earlier, this way you can check that also the graph is working
5.4.2 Create a visual showing status with colors
The upper right block is showing green color when the anomaly score is 2.5 or less, when over 2.5 it turns red.
- Click once again on Add block, and select the Indicator block
- The principle is similar as with the previous block, but this time you should select Live Stream instead of Historical. The reason for this is that the indicator in this case is a snapshot of the current status.
- Add this as expression
{{value-0}} > 2.5
. I’ve used the same value as in the program running on Photon, but they don’t have to be identical. Remember that the Photon program immediately notifies of an anomaly, but also regularly sends the current vibration status. - Select colors as per your own preferences.
5.4.3 Add a gauge showing vibration numerically
This is the lower right block, showing vibration status with numbers.
- Add a Gauge block, select Live Stream, otherwise similar steps as before.
Does your dashboard look similar as mine? Or even better, if that’s possible?
In this tutorial, we’ve built a powerful predictive maintenance solution using the Particle Photon 2, accelerometer sensors, and Edge Impulse’s machine learning models. With real-time anomaly detection, you now have the ability to monitor equipment like conveyor belts and trigger immediate actions when something unusual happens. This approach helps you catch potential issues early, avoiding costly breakdowns, cutting down on unnecessary maintenance, and extending your equipment’s lifespan.
You also explored how to connect your solution to notification services like Pushover and IoT platforms like Losant, giving you instant alerts and visual dashboards to monitor everything in one place. With this setup, you’re ready to scale this predictive maintenance approach to other equipment, catching problems before they escalate and handling them proactively.
Big thanks to Particle for their top-notch hardware and ecosystem, and to Edge Impulse for creating an accessible, code-free AI platform for edge computing!
Feel free to clone my Github repository, or my public Edge Impulse project!