Particle has discontinued development of Particle Mesh, our OpenThread-based mesh networking solution, and will no longer be manufacturing the associated Xenon development board. Particle will continue investing in its other “Gen 3” products, the flagship cellular (Boron) and Wi-Fi (Argon) product lines. Read more about the deprecation here.
Particle Mesh is our most ambitious product launch as a company: three new boards, a collection of new accessories, a new form factor, and new networking technologies.
The Argon, Boron, and Xenon feature cutting-edge communication protocols like Thread, Bluetooth 5, and LTE M1/NB1, each requiring entirely new silicon, some which have never been deployed in any product, not just our own.
Working with any new technology is exciting and challenging, and it’s often done behind closed doors with almost no transparency. We’re changing that. To better inform you about the progress we’ve made and what we still have left to do, we created a public timeline that will let you track our progress towards shipping in October 2018.