With Particle Workbench, you can perform OTA compile and flash just as with the Web IDE, but Workbench also supports local compile and flash so you can perform builds on your machine, and flash firmware over USB.
In this video, you’ll learn how to use Particle Workbench to perform local firmware compilation, as well as how to flash firmware binaries to a USB-connected device. In addition, you’ll learn how Particle Workbench unobtrusively manages a local compiler toolchain in a way that’s guaranteed not to conflict with other toolchains installed on your local machine.
For other videos covering the basics of working with Particle devices, such as learning how Particle Over-the-Air updates work, check out our Particle 101 series on YouTube. If you have questions about using Particle variables, functions, or anything else in the Particle platform, visit us in the Particle Community.