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How to unlock a door with your face using Particle

This tutorial shows how you can create a facial recognition and identification doorbell/notification device with just a few simple components.

Thomas Vikström article author avatarThomas VikströmOctober 18, 2024
How to unlock a door with your face using Particle

Problem statement

Ever wish you had three arms? Picture this: you come home, juggling bags of groceries in both hands, with rain pouring down, and now you have to dig around for your keys without letting everything get soaked. Not ideal, right?

Or imagine situations where you want things to just work when your face is detected—like automatically unlocking a medal cabinet when you’re standing in front of it, or switching on a small fan when you sit down at your desk.


Enter the facial recognition doorbell and smart unlocking system. This setup could save you from juggling groceries by recognizing your face and unlocking the door as you approach. Plus, it sends you notifications when someone familiar is at the door, or alerts you if an unexpected visitor shows up. With a few tweaks, this same concept can be applied to things like activating a desk fan or other smart actions you can dream up.

To build this proof of concept (PoC), I used an M2 SoM Evaluation Board, a B524 SoM, and the Person Sensor from Useful Sensors. The initial goal was a facial recognition doorbell that could signal and send notifications when someone appeared in front of the sensor. From there, I took it a step further—enabling facial identification to not just detect a person, but to recognize who they are.

How does it work?

From a user perspective, the process is straightforward:

  • The sensor continuously checks for faces in its view.
  • If a face is detected:
    • It checks whether the face matches one of the eight identities it has been calibrated to recognize.
    • If a matching face is found, the Particle device verifies if that person is allowed to unlock the door and signals the servo accordingly.
    • A mobile notification is sent through Pushover, identifying the person detected.

Bill of materials

  • B524, it has cellular and Bluetooth connectivity (no Wi-Fi), but if you want Wi-Fi instead of cellular connectivity, a Photon 2 dev board can be used and is more cost effective

  • Optional, but recommended
    • separate power source for the servo or actuator, especially if the latter is power hungry or under load
  • Optional

  • Qwiic Cable – Grove Adapter (100mm), this if you want an easy way of connecting the Person Sensor to the Grove port on the M.2 SoM Eval Board, another option is to use separate jumper wires.

Skills & tools required

For this project, you’ll need

  • A Particle account and basic understanding of the Particle platform’s capabilities.
  • Particle-flavored, Arduino-style, C++ development.
  • No soldering is required for this PoC
  • Optional: 3D-printed case for the Eval Board, and a 3D-printed enclosure for the Person Sensor


Only a few steps are needed to assemble the system (see the top image for a visual overview):

  • Attach the B524 to the Eval Board
  • Connect the cellular antenna to the Eval Board (the Bluetooth antenna can be left unconnected for this project).
  • Connect the Person Sensor to the Eval Board, ensuring that you connect it to the I2C Grove port, not the analog port!

  • Optional:
    • Connect a battery
    • If using a 6V servo or actuator like in this project, it can be powered temporarily from the Eval Board. For long-term use, a separate power source is recommended.
      • In following images following wire colors are used: white = signal, black = ground, red = power
      • Connect the servo signal wire to PWM0 (D4 in the program)
      • Connect the ground wire to GND on the board

  • Connect the power wire to VCC on the board

  • Power the B524 using the SOM power switch
  • Connect the Eval board to your computer via an USB-cable
  • If using a battery, charge it using the BAT POWER switch

Optional: Test the servo

You can optionally verify the servo connection using this test program, which moves the servo horn between its two endpoints. The program is optimized for the specific servo used in this project, so verify your servo’s specifications before running it.

Software apps and online services

  • Visual Studio Code with the Particle Workbench extension installed
  • Optional
    • Particle’s Webhook Integration for sending notifications to your mobile
    • Twilio, Pushover, or similar services for sending SMS or notifications
  • The complete program can be found here

Set up a Webhook integration to Pushover

This assumes you are using the Pushover service, but the overall principle is similar, regardless of chosen service.

Pushover service


  • Create an account at Pushover (or similar service, e.g. Twilio)
    • Create an application in Pushover
    • Take a note of the User Key and API token
  • Also install the Pushover app on your mobile device to get notifications

User key field in Pushover

API Token/key in Pushover

Particle Webhook


  • In the Particle console, Go to Integrations
  • Add a new integration
  • Scroll down and select Custom Webhook
  • Select ´Custom template`
  • Paste in the code below
  • Replace the token and user in the code with the ones from your chosen service
  • event – in this case “face_detected” – should be same event as you are publishing from your code
  • Test the integration, if everything is set up correctly, you should get a notification on your mobile device
    • If you use Pushover, the notification on your mobile is received through the Pushover service, not as a SMS.
    "name": "Identified as person: ",
    "event": "face_detected",
    "responseTopic": "{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}/hook-response/{{PARTICLE_EVENT_NAME}}",
    "disabled": false,
    "template": "webhook",
    "url": "",
    "requestType": "POST",
    "noDefaults": true,
    "rejectUnauthorized": true,
    "unchunked": false,
    "dataUriResponseEvent": false,
    "form": {
        "token": "token to selected service",
        "user": "user id at selected service",
        "title": "Door opened by person ",
        "message": "{{{PARTICLE_EVENT_VALUE}}}"


Calibrate the Person Sensor

The idea with the Person Sensor is that it should behave similarly as any other sensor, i.e. send data back to the calling device. It is pre-programmed with algorithms that detect nearby faces, and return information over a simple I2C interface. It is designed to be used as an input to a larger system and be treated like any other sensor where power and information are provided through the I2C interface.

All this means that apart from a few configurations options, the sensor can’t be programmed, which also makes it extremely tamperproof (100 %?). But how do we then get it to not only recognize if a face is seen, but also to identify the face? The solution here is called calibration.


The calibration can in theory be done stand-alone, but for practical purposes a computer should be connected. This way you can verify the functionality via the terminal window:

  • Position the person whose face you want to store in front of the sensor. When the face is detected, the green LED will light up.
  • Within ~200 ms, press the Mode button on the Eval Board to store the face’s features and assign it an ID in the sensor’s EEPROM. Up to eight faces can be stored, with IDs ranging from 0 to 7.
  • Repeat this process for each new face you want to store.

Below the function which is reacting on the button event. The “magic” happens in this code line – person_sensor_write_reg(NEXT_ID_REGISTER, nextFaceID); – which stores the face’s features and corresponding ID into EEPROM.

void button_clicked(system_event_t event, int param)
    int times = system_button_clicks(param);

    faceIDs[nextFaceID] = nextFaceID;                   // Assign new ID to face
    person_sensor_write_reg(NEXT_ID_REGISTER, nextFaceID);
    Serial.printlnf("******** %d ********", nextFaceID);

Mode button

Verify facial identification

Both during the calibration process and under normal use you can follow what the program is doing via the terminal window. To open this, open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and search for Particle: Serial Monitor. If you want to redo the calibration, just recycle power to the device and start the calibration again.

Apart from verification and troubleshooting purposes, you should also take a note of which face is having which ID. E.g. if your face were registered with ID 0, and your childrens with 1 respectively 2, you need to remember this for next step.

Set up the facial unlock configuration

If you want the servo to react – e.g. open a door – to specific faces, you need to change this code (around line 135): (face-> id == 3 || face -> id == 0) to include the face or faces you want to be able to unlock the door. In this case my own face is registered twice, once with glasses and once without.

        // opening the door if it's closed and enough time has passed, also publishing to Particle
        unsigned long currentTime = millis();
        if ( (currentTime - lastPublishTime >= publishInterval) && (face-> id == 3 || face -> id == 0) && door_open == false) {
            Particle.publish("face_detected", String(face->id), PRIVATE);
            Serial.println("** OPENING **");
            door_open = true;
            lastPublishTime = currentTime;
            lastOpenTime = currentTime;


Notification settings

With the Pushover service you can send 10000 notifications/month for free. Especially while setting up and testing this concept, I could easily consume close to 100 notifications per day. From a quota point of view this was still not an issue, but I got tired of the constant pings on my mobile and smartwatch. Hence I decided to send a notification if at least 10 seconds have gone since previous notification.

Furthermore, while you are testing the code, you can comment out the Particle.puhlish... function call.

Security notes

According to Useful Sensors you shouldn’t rely on the facial identification results as a sole security factor, since it’s not designed to be that accurate. It’s intended for less safety-critical applications like personalizing a user experience automatically, where the cost of mistakes is lower.

You of course also needs to consider physical security of the device, and weather-proofing everything as per the location.

Real-Life Solution Demonstration

In this video you can see how the blue “lock” on the left hand is ensuring no-one can steal my marathon medals. The hinge only unlocks when the sensor sees my face, and in this case automatically locks itself after 10 seconds.

At the same time a notification is sent to my phone, informing who is opening the cabinet. This is in this use case useful as I can see if someone, apart from me, is in front of the sensor and perhaps trying to break in.


This tutorial showed how you can create a facial recognition and identification doorbell/notification device with just a few simple components. Plus, we explored how to adapt it for tasks like unlocking doors or triggering other actions.

It was also my first time working with a Particle device on their IoT platform, and while there was a bit of a learning curve at the start, I’m surprised how logical everything is, once I got over the initial hurdle!

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